Manager: Julia Sandiford-Mitchell (head teacher)
Reviewed: January 2025
Approved by Governors: February 2025
Next Review: January 2028
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Safer Working Practise
No Fight Agreement
Home-school Agreement
Equality Statement
Single Equality and Community Cohesion
Everyone associated with school is rightly proud of the high standards of behaviour achieved by Shawclough's children. The comments of the many visitors to the school and those who meet the children out of school are invariably about the high standards of behaviour and the excellent attitude of the children. This was also observed by OFSTED
‘The school provides outstanding care, guidance and support for pupils’ welfare and well-being. As a result, pupils are exceptionally proud of the school and behave impeccably towards each other and the adults working with them.’
We believe this high standard is the result of the ethos of the school, which is based on trust, love, and respect. Undoubtedly, it is the relationships between the children and the adults in the school that make the difference as a result the children know they are loved and cared for. We seek to develop and maintain the highest standards of order and behaviour but primarily the aim is for high quality self-discipline in the school.
"Good discipline is a partnership between teacher, parent and child. Children should be aware of the consequences of their actions and that what they do and don't do has affects upon others. It is the role of the teacher to provide a warm supportive task orientated learning environment." The Elton Report.
We believe that good behaviour stems from positive self-image and high self-esteem. This can be achieved by expecting, promoting and striving for a respectful, caring community, which helps to develop children who want to get along with one another.
The overarching principles are:
- To promote good behaviour and encourage achievement.
- To support pupils in learning self-discipline.
- To reduce levels of anxiety that imped learning or effective choice- making
- To enable effective teaching and learning.
- To create a safe and secure environment for pupils and staff.
- To teach pupils to understand, accept and tolerate differences in individuals.
We expect
- High standards of behaviour which is consistently applied and modelled by all adults in school
- Children to know, understand and apply those behaviours that are desirable and praiseworthy and to know, understand and resist those behaviours and attitudes which are hurtful, offensive or unacceptable
- That acceptable positive behaviours and choices will be reinforced with praise and an agreed system of rewards
- That unacceptable behaviour or choices will be met with a system of agreed and consistently applied pattern of sanctions
- To provide a system of mutual support for all staff in school, especially with behaviour issues that have an impact beyond the classroom.
- To identify the procedures related to the development of good order and behaviour in the school.
- To ensure a consistent, age appropriate, approach throughout school.
- To outline the way the school will manage the pupils’ behaviour effectively.
- To help promote mutual respect amongst all those who are part of school.
- To outline the facets of school life which contribute to the development of self-discipline.
- To explain systems used to support individual’s behaviour.
The Home-School Agreement sets out what we will do together to ensure that each child thrives at Shawclough Primary School. It outlines school responsibilities and those of the child and the parent/carer. It is sent out at the start of the school year; the parent and child sign it and return it to school where it is signed by the head. It is then copied and the original is returned to the parent and the copy is put in the child’s educational record.
Much of our behaviour policy is based on UNICEF’s Rights of the Child. All members of the school community have a right to work in a calm, supportive and purposeful atmosphere and their conduct should respect these rights.
In accordance with the UNICEF International Rights of the Child the cornerstone of our approach to behaviour management is summarised in THE THREE RIGHTS
- the right to learn
- the right to safety
- the right to fair treatment
These rights are discussed with the children at the start of each year and the children agree that they are fair, and we agree how the rights will be respected in class and around school. The points that we intend to make are as follow.
The right to learn
- everyone has the right to learn
- it’s so important there’s a law that says children must come to school
- no one has the right to stop you learning
- you must do all you can to make sure that you learn
- you don’t have the right to stop other people from learning
- along with the right to learn comes the teachers right to teach
- no one has the right to stop the teacher from teaching
- you choose your actions and there are consequences to them (positive and negative)
The right to safety
- your possessions, your body and your feelings
- no one has the right to hurt your body or your feelings
- no one has the right to damage or steal your property
- you have the responsibility to ensure that you keep yourself and your possessions safe in school by being a responsible citizen
- you have the responsibility of ensuring that you keep the people around you and their possessions safe
- you do not steal, hurt someone’s feelings or attack their body
- actions have consequences
- actions are based on choices
The right to fair treatment
- if you have something to say someone will listen to you
- treat each other as we wish to be treated
- international rights of the child
- citizenship
- reasoned, thoughtful, considerate behaviour
- think through choices and consequences before you act
From this discussion the class generates a class charter or code of things that they feel is important to them and how they are going to respect them. They are phrased positively, to encourage the behaviours and actions that are acceptable. Rights agreements are drawn up in a similar way for other areas of school- the dining hall, assembly. They are all phrased as rights and how we agree to respect them.
This code of rights is displayed prominently in the classroom and referred to regularly to reinforce good behaviour.
Working in partnership with parents will enable us to devise joint solutions to concerns each individual circumstance will be different and will therefore be handled differently according to the needs of the individual.
Our school has a calm welcoming atmosphere, and this is continued in the classrooms and other learning areas. If you were to walk into any classroom you would see
- children on task
- speaking in an appropriate manner and volume for the task
- moving about the room in an orderly manner when necessary
- resources where children can get them and use
- work set with appropriate challenge and support
- interesting activities which reflect the school’s commitment to practical active learning
- adults and children speaking and listening to each other in a respectful way
- an orderly classroom where equipment is well looked after
- children playing an important part in the tidying and organisation of their classroom
- aimless wandering is not tolerated
We emphasise and reward all positive behaviours verbally and none verbally, with praise and through the agreed reward systems. These are detailed below. We aim to raise the self-esteem and image of children as individuals and as part of a group.
We expect children to
- follow/ respect the class rights, the codes for other areas and the UNCRC rights
- look after books and equipment and each other
- visit toilets alone
- to be in the classroom on task at all times unless they have permission to be elsewhere
- make reflective choices and to learn from their behaviours
The most important reward that the school can offer the children is to show that individually they are loved and valued. Rewards can be very powerful tools for education staff to use. These include:
- Caring verbal contact, verbal praise, and written remarks about good work, stickers, Dojos, Diddi Dots and badges as well as sending children to the Phase Leader or the Head/Deputies for praise.
- Phase based reward systems by which children can work as part of the Phase team to earn rewards.
- Notes home/ class toys sent home to share good news with parents
- Special commendations can be given to children in recognition of outstanding work, behaviour, co-operation, support of others, etc. including sending the children to the Headteacher for special recognition.
- Phase Two, Three and Four reward children’s extra efforts with badges. These badges are linked with demonstrating one or more of our Driver attributes.
In most cases a quiet word with a child resolves a problem. However, further sanctions are sometimes needed these can be particularly effective if they are seen by the peer group and the offender to match the offence. They need to be clear to all the children as well as implemented consistently. It is effective within the classroom and school-wide if sanctions are discussed in terms of the class codes and the principles of Rights and Responsibilities.
Sanctions used:
- Time out children are removed from the activity to a designated area within the classroom.
- Referring the child to the Unit Leader to discuss the poor choices being made and the consequences.
- Loss of privileges, which may include loss of a playtime.
- Referring to head teacher discuss the situation if a child is sent to the head teacher on more than three occasions parents will be contacted and invited into school to discuss concerns.
- At lunchtimes, Lunchtime Supervisors have a red folder where low level incidents are recorded with the resolution. Three incidents recorded by the same child are reported to the Headteacher. Higher level incidents are immediately sent to the Headteacher.
The Learning Mentor has many roles in school. One of which is supporting children with a wide range of issues, some of which, are related to their behaviour. Our learning mentor is available to advise staff when dealing with particular behaviour. She also plans and implements support programmes using THINC principles. She also regularly supports parents and families. She devises for, specific children, behaviour contracts with smart targets, which can be evaluated.
We have a Counsellor who works in school for half a day each week supporting children who are experiencing emotional challenges. Referrals to the Counsellor are made via the Head Teacher or Learning Mentor.
Acts of violence, bullying, racist, sexist abuse and behaviour which puts the safety of others at risk will not be tolerated. In these occasions parents will be contacted immediately by phone or letter, and possibly dealt with by a fixed term or permanent exclusion.
Any sort of physical violence against another person. (See No Fighting Contract below) |
This must be immediately reported to the Headteacher or Deputies. |
Racist behaviour |
Report immediately to the Headteacher or Deputies. |
Gender based abusive behaviour |
Report immediately to the Headteacher or Deputies. |
The use of foul or abusive language, including homophobic language |
Report immediately to the Headteacher or Deputies. |
The school is explicit about the lack of tolerance of fighting or any form of physical violence. The issue is regularly discussed with the children and all agree that they do not want to be hurt.
Parents are expected to support the schools stance and are communicated with at the beginning of each academic year. Parents who cannot support the policy are asked to speak with the Headteacher so that the position can be clarified.
The procedure to be followed after an incident has been reported is as follows:
- The incident is referred to the Headteacher or Deputies who will investigate the allegations as soon as possible.
- The person investigating the incident must record the details on CMOPs.
- Parents will be informed by phone or email when their child has been found to be the perpetrator of an incident and has used physical violence to assault another pupil of adult in the school.
- The child receive a consequence/sanction in a way appropriate to the misdemeanour.
- If the child is involved in three incidents the parents will be asked to come into the school to discuss the child’s behaviour.
- If the aggressive behaviour continues the result will be a fixed term exclusion from the school.
Children are supervised as they move around the building as a class, and are accompanied to and from classrooms, the hall and the outdoor play areas. However we do expect that children can move around the school without supervision. Children will not be given opportunities to linger outside classrooms or in toilet areas or in cloakrooms and will be actively encouraged to take care of the building by helping to keep it clean and tidy.
Children are expected to walk on the left hand side of the corridor- so as to ease congestion, aid safety and avoid the risk of harm.
The following behaviours are unacceptable and will be challenged immediately by any member of staff who witnesses it.
- Pushing
- Shouting
- Running
We want our outdoor play areas to be happy, safe places where we encourage positive behaviours, friendly social interactions and the enjoyment of a range of non-dangerous games and activities.
At break times and lunch times entrance to school is controlled and monitored by the staff on duty.
We expect children to;
- Abide by the playground and lunchtime codes/rights
- Pay attention to the rights
- Play safely with regard to others
- Consider other peoples points of view and feelings
- Compromise
- Mediate if a child has a difficulty
- Stay in the playgrounds
- Put litter in the bins
- Treat the staff with respect
The following behaviours will not be accepted and when seen will be dealt with in accordance with our procedures
- Fighting or threatening others
- Play-fighting
- Provoking or supporting physical or verbal aggression
- Bullying of any kind (please refer to our anti-bullying policy)
- Enter the building without permission
- Climb on walls or railings
- Swear
- Disobey or speak insolently to a member of staff
- Leave the premises
- Play dangerous games
The following procedure applies at lunchtime and break time;
- the child receives a warning for their behaviour (they are told that what they are doing is unacceptable and are reminded of how they should be behaving)
- if the behaviour persists they receive another warning
- if the behaviour persists a sanction is given
- the child is stood in a designated area of the playground. In this way they can calm down, have a “time out”, reflect on what they should have done, correct playtime behaviours are modelled for them
- taken to a member of SLT
Power to use reasonable force or make other physical contact
Every element of our behaviour management approach is aimed at preventing poor behaviour and praising children for good behaviour and preventing the need to reasonable force to be used.
All staff has the right and the duty to use reasonable force to protect children from hurting other children, adults or themselves or disrupt the learning of others.
Force is used usually to control or restrain children; all staff receive Team Teach training every three years. The intent is to avoid the need to use guiding, control or restraints but if it is needed to do so using no more force than is needed. (i.e. reasonable in the circumstances).
We use reasonable force to;
- remove disruptive children for the classroom where they have refused to follow an instruction to do so
- prevent a child behaving in a way that disrupts a school, event or educational visit
- prevent a child from leaving the classroom when allowing the child to do so would risk their safety or lead to behaviour that disrupts the behaviour of others
- prevent a child form attacking another child or adult or to stop a fight in the playground
- restrain a child at risk of harming themselves through physical outbursts
If a child is assessed as at risk of needing the use of force we draw up a plan and this is shared with the parent/carer. In any event, where a restraint or control has had to be used staff complete the log and inform parents/carers (please refer to our safe handling policy
School has powers to discipline children for their behaviour outside of school.
School will become involved in any bad behaviour where the child is;
- taking part and a school organised or school related activity
- travelling to and from school
- wearing the school uniform
- identified as a child at our school
- any behaviour that could have repercussions for the school or
- pose a threat to another child or member of staff or
- could adversely affect the reputation of the school
In these instances, the cases will be investigated, parents will be contacted and an appropriate sanction may be placed.
Support for staff accused of misconduct
Support for staff will come from the SLT and the head, the governing body and the school community. Access to counselling through the LA will also be sought as appropriate. The school and LA policies on ‘allegations against staff’ will be followed. This means that a referral will be made to the LADO and the process will be followed. Please refer to the relevant documents
The school uses an online recording system – CPOMs.
Detention is not a system we use in school. Some teachers use a delay to lunch or break as a means to catch up on learning time or to compete homework not done at home/in time. In these cases the teacher will supervise the children (in class) and will allow time for the child to eat, drink and use the toilet. The school has the right to issue detentions as a sanction. When this occurs outside the school day we will give 24 hours’ notice in writing. Parents will be required to collect their child after the detention is complete.
Persistent severe disruption and other unacceptable forms of behaviour, which does not improve after all these measures, will lead to fixed term exclusion or possibly a permanent exclusion from school. In these cases we will follow the LA procedures.
Behaviours that are likely to merit fixed term exclusion are;
- repeatedly disruptive behaviours
- verbal or physical abuse to adults
- verbal or physical abuse to children,
- behaviours which are racist or abusive to any group in school and which break our Three Rights
- assault
- bringing prohibited items into school (weapons, alcohol, drugs, unsuitable images, stolen items)
Actions taken against children who are found to have made malicious allegations against staff
A child who has been found to have made a malicious allegation will be considered within our behaviour management guidance and may receive a sanction or a fixed term exclusion, whichever is the most appropriate in the circumstances.
This policy is monitored using the following strategies-
- Parental questionnaires
- Child questionnaires
- Behaviour walks
- Incident monitoring
- Case studies