SEND intent
At Shawclough, we believe that every pupil, regardless of needs, disability, race or gender, has a right to equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We present this subject in a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, which values each child and encourages them to achieve their full potential. We recognise every child as an individual, promoting self-esteem, independence, respect and responsibility. We work closely in partnership with parents and the wider community, as we understand that this is effective in helping children to learn and develop. We encourage children to be proactive in their learning by helping them to understand what they are good at and what they can do to get better.
It is our intent for all children with additional needs to:
- Have access to a broad balanced and relevant curriculum
- Be happy and feel secure.
- Be included.
- Achieve their very best.
- Demonstrate personal development and growth.
- Make good progress based on their personalised targets and Individual Provision Map (IPM)
- Experience wider activities leading to greater independence.
- Make effective independent decisions.