Who do we want our children to be?
Our drivers identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes and experiences that a great independent learner at our school looks like.
Personal, learning and thinking skills
Independent enquirers
Creative thinkers
Reflective learners
Team workers
Self managers
Effective participators
We can't expect children to develop these skills by themselves. We have to teach them what the skills mean and what is required to be able to use these skills appropriately. These skills have to become habit.
Phase 1 - Nursery & Reception Drivers
In Nursery and Reception, we will introduce the school drivers through dinosaur toys. Each dinosaur will represent a Characteristic of Learning/ school driver. The dinosaurs are introduced one at a time. There are two each for the three areas in Reception and Nursery do one a term. They will hatch out of an egg and then be introduced to the children by name e.g. Triatops. The children will then have a discussion about why he is called Triatops and what being a Triatops will look like in their learning. When the children demonstrate this in their learning they will be able to get the dinosaur they need and have a picture taken for their file. Underneath the picture we will also write what learning has taken place. The drivers will be discussed throughout lessons and continuous provision. |
Phase 2- Year 1/2/3 Drivers
In Year 1 children move onto the National Curriculum and we have built our curriculum on the skills children need.
Year 1 Drivers
Year 2 & Year 3 Drivers
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Team Workers
Effective Participators
Phase 3 - Year 4/5/6
Independent Enquirers
Creative Thinkers
Reflective Learners
Team Workers
Effective Participators